Bouquets Cares

How to take care of your bouquet

The first thing you need to know is that the life of a flower is limited. There are flowers that last longer than others, but generally, if we take good care of them, a bouquet can last between one and three weeks.

Once you have your bouquet, these are the basic steps you should follow:


Remove all decorations (wrapping, bows, picks, etc.). Natural flowers need to be oxygenated and the wrapping prevents the bouquet from "breathing".


Never place the bouquet directly in the sun or next to the heater. The heat will make it last much less time.


Change the water daily and clean the vase each time you do so. This will help prevent the proliferation of bacteria that can rot the flowers.


Cut the stems a little bit every time you change the water or every two days. Ideally, cut a centimeter, always diagonally, at about 45 degrees.


Remove any flowers that have wilted so that they do not spoil those that are close by.


You can also use a floral preservative that helps the flowers last longer.