characteristics and care Sansevieria


  • technical name:


  • common name:

    mother-in-law's tongue or sword of saint george

  • family:


  • source:

    Tropical Africa

  • Location:


  • pet friendly:


Learn with Jordi the gnome


This was one of the first plants with which I started in the world of gardening, and I couldn't be happier. I think it was a great choice, since it is a beautiful, resistant, easy to care for, beneficial plant... From the day I met it I knew it would be very special! I liked it so much that I decided to put it in my room as a roommate. And what a great success! How do you notice that it is a plant that purifies the air. I don't even have trouble getting up in the morning anymore.

como cuidar la Sansevieria

light and temperature

Being one of my first plants, I was a bit lost and didn't know where to put it. At first I thought my house was haunted, because no matter where I put it, the Sansevieria continued to grow without any difficulty. Later I discovered that it is a plant that adapts to any space in the house, with more or less light. How lucky for me!

irrigation, fertilization and transplant

As I said, I had this plant when I was young and clueless, and on several occasions I spent several days without watering it. I still don't know how I was lucky enough to come across this plant, since Sansevieria doesn't need a lot of water to survive. It is enough that the substrate is dry before watering it again. A detail that must be taken into account is that the pot drains well, since the poor plant can drown if the excess water is not evacuated. With all the benefits it gives, it is the least that can be offered! And if it is combined with a special substrate for cacti and succulent plants, it is even better.

diseases and pests

As far as pests are concerned, only the cottony mealybug usually suffers, but it can be easily removed with a slightly damp ear bud. Nothing beyond the reach of a human.

Jordi's notes

The way Sansevieria reproduces is quite curious, it reminds me of the famous Lernaean Hydra from Greek mythology: all you have to do is cut some of its leaves and plant it. That easy. And in a matter of days a new Sansevieria will be born. That last! The other day I was watching a documentary about the Tanzanian savannah. What beautiful images! The moment that I liked the most was when they showed the sunrise, since its colors were nailed to those of the Sansiveria. So I'm going to call it that.

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