characteristics and care Maranta Tricolor

Maranta Tricolor

  • technical name:

    Maranta Leuconera Tricolor

  • common name:

    Maranta Tricolor

  • family:


  • source:


  • Location:


  • pet friendly:


Pet Friendly

Learn with Jordi the gnome

Maranta Tricolor

Wow wow wow, but what a curious plant… The first thing I thought when I saw it was that it was a piece from an art museum. From the first moment, I was fascinated by its green leaves with those striking red veins. And not to mention the back of the sheet, which is purple. Without a doubt, worthy of being exhibited at the MNAC! I have found that it is a super easy plant to care for. It will be an ideal gift for my cousin who has no idea about plants. Even so, I am going to point out the little care it needs.

como cuidar la Maranta Tricolor

light and temperature

Due to its characteristics, I consider it to be an ideal indoor plant. An easy way to know how to take care of it is to think about its climate of origin: tropical. And if you think of the tropical climate, the first thing that comes to mind is… sun and rain! So it is best to place it in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. It is also important that it is kept in a place with high temperatures, which never drop below 10º C, and with a preferably humid environment.

irrigation, fertilization and transplant

Being careful not to flood it, it is important to water it abundantly, especially during the hot months. Precisely in these hot months, its leaves will thank you for spraying them with water several times a day. Like those summer days when a downpour suddenly falls that you don't know where it came from, but it suits you wonderfully. To be a true expert, every two weeks it should be fertilized with a soluble liquid or crystalline fertilizer, not very rich in nitrogen, so that it grows with all its splendor and free of diseases and pests. During the first years of our friend's life, preferably during spring or summer, she should be transplanted into a new pot, she also outgrows small clothes over time!

diseases and pests

The most common and dangerous plague for the Maranta Tricolor is the red spider, which usually appears when it is very hot and there is no humidity (no, it is not Spiderman). On the contrary, during the colder months and with excess humidity, it can suffer from botrytis. But this can be easily avoided with good ventilation.

Jordi's notes

I have noticed that at night it closes its leaves a little. Now I understand why they call it a prayer plant... It looks like it's praying! I am more and more in love with this plant. And the best thing is that it is a perennial type, so I can enjoy it all year round! All those leaves together and those bright colors make me think of Malaysia, so I'll call it that. It could be a plant worthy of its inhabitants!

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