characteristics and care Potus


  • technical name:

    Epipremnum Aureum

  • common name:


  • family:


  • source:

    Southeast Asian

  • Location:


  • pet friendly:


Learn with Jordi the gnome


It is curious how a plant can change depending on the space and the treatment it is given. An example of this is Pothos, a plant that will climb or hang according to the guides placed on it. It almost seems like he's talking more about a monkey than a plant. Beyond its decorative versatility, it is a very resistant plant that is essential for any house. In fact, I think it is the quintessential houseplant.

como cuidar la Potus

light and temperature

Unlike other plants, the Pothos is not very fond of light, and prefers a semi-dark zone to a zone with a lot of light. Thus, the possibilities of decoration increase much more (in case there were few that it offered). As I mentioned, I consider it the indoor plant par excellence, and that is why it adapts to the most common temperatures in houses. In other words, between 15 and 30º C, (unless it is an Eskimo's house, which is still a little cooler).

irrigation, fertilization and transplant

As it appears, it is a plant that likes humidity very much. It is important to keep it moist, watering it frequently (personally, I wait until the most superficial substrate is dry to water it again). I could be selling these tips and make gold. I never learn... If what you want is a very green and abundant leaf, you should apply a fertilizer rich in nitrogen in the irrigation water every fortnight during the summer months. In the blink of an eye a jungle can appear at home. I recommend transplanting it once a year. But you have to be careful, because with an excessively large pot, it would lose energy exploring the substrate and it would not develop as strongly and quickly as it can. Thus, a pot with a little more space will suffice. Sometimes, as my mother says, less is more.

diseases and pests

In general, the Pothos is a very resistant plant that does not usually suffer from diseases. Even so, it has its Achilles heel: if it is watered too much, it is likely that fungi will appear due to excess moisture, so it is important to keep it under control.

Jordi's notes

According to NASA, this plant has properties that make it special (not space) and essential for any home. And it is that it has the ability to eliminate toxic elements that are found in the atmosphere and are harmful to health. So it's not nonsense! Its scattered stems that go to either side cause its leaves to be separated. These positions remind me of the multitude of islands in Indonesia. In honor of these, I am going to call it Timor.

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