characteristics and care Diefenbachia Amoena

Diefenbachia Amoena

  • technical name:

    Dieffenbachia Amoena

  • common name:

    Lottery or Ammonea

  • family:


  • source:

    India and America

  • Location:


  • pet friendly:


Learn with Jordi the gnome

Diefenbachia Amoena

The Amoena is one of those plants that grows a lot. And, as if it didn't stand out enough, its shades of green give it a very striking touch, and create an exotic atmosphere wherever it is placed. Without a doubt, it is one of those plants that do not go unnoticed, and I really love that!

como cuidar la Diefenbachia Amoena

light and temperature

Like many other houseplants, the Amoena is not very fond of direct sun. That is why it is important to keep it away from its rays. The last thing we want is plants with burnt leaves! In any case, it should be located in an area where, at least, it gets a little bit of sun. And if this space is warm, it will not ask you for much more. Those who know how to live with little are usually the happiest!

irrigation, fertilization and transplant

One of the key points for irrigation to be a success is that the pot drains correctly, so that the water does not puddle. As long as the substrate is kept moist, watering it every eight days (every four in the warm months), it will have no problem growing in all its splendor. Even so, considering the frequency of watering they need, you have to make sure that the pot drains well, otherwise it will look more like a pool than an Amoena. I recommend taking advantage of the spring to pay it, so its growth will be clearly appreciated. As far as the transplant is concerned, there is no set time. Simply, when the plant no longer fits in the pot, it will be time to move it to a larger one, taking the opportunity to change the substrate.

diseases and pests

If the edges of its leaves turn yellow, it is probably because the Amoena has Colletotrichum and Leptosphaeri. Although it sounds very serious (I must admit that they are the most virulent fungi) they are the most common diseases for this type of plant (ugh, what a breath). And of course, the best remedy is prevention. To avoid any problem, it will be enough to have the plant in the ideal place, that is, with adequate light and temperature, and away from drafts. My grandmother used to say it: prevention is better than cure!

Jordi's notes

According to popular culture, this plant avoids the curses that should reach the person who has the plant. But it not only absorbs bad energies, but also drives away envy, helps solve problems and keeps the evil eye at bay. Like a lucky charm! In any case, those who did not consider it a lucky charm were the slaves, since in the past the poisonous juice inside was used to render them mute for a few days. How terrible, as pretty as she seemed at first! I still remember the day a blue butterfly landed on one of its leaves. Looking at it, and with the colors it had, it reminded me of the Brazilian flag, so from that moment I call it that.

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