characteristics and care Calathea Triostar

Calathea Triostar

  • technical name:

    Calathea Triostar

  • common name:


  • family:


  • source:

    Tropical Regions of South America

  • Location:


  • pet friendly:


Pet Friendly

Learn with Jordi the gnome

Calathea Triostar

Seeing the beauty and resistance that characterize this plant, it is not surprising that the Calathea Triostar is chosen by architects to decorate the interior spaces of their flats on display. And they are a very striking detail! I wonder if there will be any study that talks about the effect of plants on sales… Anyway, I'm going to mine.

como cuidar la Calathea Triostar

light and temperature

Although its leaves are of various colors, it is not a plant that needs excessive light. Of course, this should not be direct, as its leaves could burn. Being a tropical plant, its predilection is warm and humid spaces, that is, spaces that recreate the atmosphere that is breathed in the tropics. What become of home!

irrigation, fertilization and transplant

To get that humidity that it likes and needs, it is enough to water it a couple of times a week, being careful not to flood it. Instead, during the summer you should water every three days and spray the leaves with water to recreate that warm and humid environment from which it comes. By meeting these requirements, only with a few eyes would you realize that it is not in its habitat! If you want to apply any fertilizer, it must be liquid. It should be applied every fifteen days, from spring to autumn, to ensure that it grows in good condition and its colors stand out more. Like most Calatheas, it absorbs nutrients from the substrate quite quickly. For this reason, it should be transplanted every year, even if it is not required due to size. Of course, always in a larger pot and during the first month of summer, which is when the best conditions are given for it to develop.

diseases and pests

Spraying the leaves from time to time and maintaining optimal conditions should be more than enough to prevent any disease or pest that endangers the Calatea Triostar. It all depends on the love that is given.

Jordi's notes

On one of my trips, I was surprised to see that the leaves of the Calatea Triostar are used by some indigenous peoples to make baskets and cover the roofs of huts. If it is not by imagination. The energy that this plant transmits reminds me of my trip to Bolivia, a very colorful territory with a great variety of plants and animals. In honor of this country, I will name it after him.

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