characteristics and care Anthurium Andreanum

Anthurium Andreanum

  • technical name:

    Anthurium Andreanum

  • common name:


  • family:


  • source:

    Subtropical and Tropical Zones of the Americas

  • Location:


  • pet friendly:


Learn with Jordi the gnome

Anthurium Andreanum

Mother Nature is very wise, and she knows that brightly colored flowers are more likely to attract pollinating insects. But instead of an insect, this time they have captivated me! The combination of this powerful red with yellow and green, make this plant a poem for the eyes. One of the things to keep in mind is that this plant does not get along with animals, so if I had to give it to someone with a pet, I would still choose another option. Since it's not my case, the only problem I have is choosing where to put it, because it looks good anywhere!

como cuidar la Anthurium Andreanum

light and temperature

Let's see, do I put it in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the dining room...? What indecision, this thing that it adapts even to spaces with little light can be a problem! I think I'll stick with the dining room, because even if it doesn't need sunlight, it's sure to do just fine.

irrigation, fertilization and transplant

As a good tropical plant, it loves humid spaces, so it is important to keep it well hydrated. Of course, without creating the Caribbean Sea in your pot, which can easily drown! It also appreciates a lot if during the hot months a little water is sprinkled on its flowers and leaves. Refreshing! This is a secret that has taken me time to discover, but it is very worthwhile for the flower to look beautiful: during the hottest months, give it a flowering fertilizer every 15 days. Now that is a beautiful flower! To transplant it is not necessary to break the head. If it is done during the spring every two years it will be enough.

diseases and pests

This plant looks like a superhero, and not just because of its red cape. His list of enemies is at the level of the tallest superheroes; the red spider, the aphid, the cochineal, the scales, the mites, the bacterial blight and the anthracnose, are some of the villains that will try to attack the Anthurium, but nothing that a humid substratum and a good location away from drafts and direct sun should fear.

Jordi's notes

The Anthurium family is fascinating, since every year my fellow gnomes find species that were not described. Wonderful! Because of the colors it has, it reminds me of exotic birds. Costa Rica is a country that abounds in these, and by sharing the color red as a central element (in the flag) I am going to call this plant that way.

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