characteristics and care Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

  • technical name:

    Aloe Vera

  • common name:

    Aloe Vera

  • family:


  • source:

    Arabian Peninsula

  • Location:

    Interior y exterior

  • pet friendly:


Pet Friendly

Learn with Jordi the gnome

Aloe Vera

Well, the time has come to write about this classic. Aloe Vera is one of those plants that everyone knows, whether for its benefits, its beauty or its easy care. However, I consider it important to know all its details in order to get the most out of it. It's like having a very good camera and only using the automatic mode. Anyway, I stop stories and go to the mess.

como cuidar la Aloe Vera

light and temperature

To begin to understand Aloe Vera it is necessary to know its love for sunlight. It is very happy when it is located in a place where the sun touches it, whether indoors or outdoors. If there are doubts about whether it is affecting it too much, it is only necessary to look at its leaves, since if they are turning brown, it is that the light is too direct (like when one goes to the beach and begins to get like a shrimp; it is better leave on time). As I mentioned, it is an ideal plant for indoors and outdoors, since it can withstand temperatures of even 0º C. If it is that in addition to the benefits, everything is easy!

irrigation, fertilization and transplant

One of the things that surprised me the most about this plant was its watering frequency. It should only be watered when the substrate is completely dry. That easy! But be careful, if there is an excess of water, signs of rot will begin to be distinguished. And with the spikes it has, it will look like something out of a horror movie! A natural fertilizer is what is most appreciated, especially if it is added during the spring or summer. As in most plants, the best time to transplant it is in spring. Aloe Vera only has one condition: that it is not transplanted until it is older. And that means waiting until he's two to five years old. Ideal for those who live in the clouds and leave the plants a little aside.

diseases and pests

It is not a plant that is characterized by having many more diseases than the common ones. So if it's kept in good condition, nothing weird should happen to it.

Jordi's notes

I have some acquaintances who wrote an article about the properties of Aloe Vera, and the truth is that everything that can be done with it seemed super interesting. From beauty treatments to wound healing. Wonderful! With all these properties it has become like a friend to me, so I will take the liberty of calling it Aloe.

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